My Fall 2015 “Religion, Sport, and Water” University Course


6 Responses to “My Fall 2015 “Religion, Sport, and Water” University Course”

  1. Tom Goodmann Says:

    Sign me up! You could offer this on “line” . . .


    • Kenov Says:

      Some day, Tom, I’ll turn the lectures and classroom discussion into a book. The project always seems to get set aside, though. Anyway, you’re most welcome to a syllabus.


  2. Amber Says:

    I have to say, I would take this class. Unless there’s a writing requirement, it wouldn’t fill the few requirement I have left (or was offered in German, I suppose), but I don’t really care. Sadly UW-Madison has nothing of the sort :/


    • Kenov Says:

      I don’t know that there is another course quite like it, though I’m sure some of the lit must be covered in other ways. For what it’s worth, some of the lit is German. The later stuff might possibly be readable, but the earliest is in Middle High German. Btw, lots of writing (Homers Course). Look into transfer credits, and you could maybe take it via the web.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Amber Says:

        We occasionally have a class on Middle High German, but I missed it this year. This sounds more like what would be a “comms” requirement for us, and I’ve filled both of those. The two I have left are named “Quantitative Reasoning A and B” & deal with math and science, basically. Formal logic fits it, too.


      • Kenov Says:

        It’s great that your are nearly with your general requirements. I hope you can knock off the last few with some enjoyable courses.


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