
When dawn breaks in Scotland, in just a few hours, I’d love to be somewhere on The River Clyde.  Upstream with the trout and grayling or downstream with the salmon — I am not particular.

Instead, I’ll be in North Carolina grading papers and waiting for some antibiotics to chase away my sinus infection.  But I’ll have my memories, imagination, and hope with me.  No doubt I’ll find a way back to the Clyde soon.

4 Responses to “Longing”

  1. Mike Sepelak Says:

    During my numerous visits, years ago, to the Glasgow area on business, I stayed at the Priory House in Largs, overlooking the Firth of Clyde. At the time, I had no idea…


  2. emblock Says:

    With “memories, imagination, and hope”…we are never in want. Hope you are feeling better soon, and that the stack of papers dwindles quickly…


  3. Kenov Says:

    Well, maybe we should talk about a trip, Mike. I should really get back there before long to see a relative. And, Erin, thanks. The number of papers seems to be the same every time I check. So, I guess I’ll have to go ahead and grade them.


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